Formerly 30 years in Wolfville - Now In Hubbards, Nova Scotia           902 857-9250

Artists We Love

View the embedded image gallery online at:

Wolfville and The Annapolis Valley has a wealth of talented artists.

We showcase here only a sampling of various works and encourage you to visit our Alex Colville  page to see more of what we have to offer.

In addition please visit and for more of their beautiful works and also to view other talented artists from our area.

Studio Hours

Mon-Tue By Appointment
Wed-Fri      10:30 AM - 5 PM
Sat 10:30 AM - 1:30 PM
other hours may be available
by chance or appointment

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Customer Stories

It’s always a treat to come in and explore how best to frame and display my treasures. Have never been disappointed and continually look for new things to bring in.

Isabel Vos