Formerly 30 years in Wolfville - Now In Hubbards, Nova Scotia           902 857-9250

Children make the best artwork, because they haven’t stifled their creativity yet. If their work is framed properly it can often be mistaken for a contemporary masterpiece. Save that one really great piece of art and have it framed… your child will be so excited to see their work up on the wall (rather than the fridge)! We can even build a frame that allows you to change out the artwork periodically so you don’t have to frame just one.
Look at all of the bright colors and creative details in these examples of original artwork, then look how the frames dress them up while making them stand out.

Children’s art and colourful art framed beautifully will brighten any room with a splash of colou
Frame your children’s artwork, you won’t regret it. They will be so excited that you honored their abilities, and you will have a treasure that reminds you of their precious little faces and paint covered hands forever.

Studio Hours

Mon-Tue By Appointment
Wed-Fri      10:30 AM - 5 PM
Sat 10:30 AM - 1:30 PM
other hours may be available
by chance or appointment

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Customer Stories

Another beautiful framing job Mary Ann! You certainly add the perfect finishing touch to my cross stitch pieces! Thank you so very much.

Jen Lloyd